The children were making so much noise,and the teacher hurriedly went to see____.


The children were making so much noise,and the teacher hurriedly went to see____.
A.what the matter was
B.what wrong was
C.what was the matter
D.what was the wrong

C what was the matter
因为这里what是主语,所以语序不变.又因为matter是名词,前面有the,wrong是形容词,前面没有the为什么what是主语,语序不变?不是应该用陈述句语序吗?因为宾语从句的结构是 主句+连接词+主语+谓语 这里 what既是连接词,也是主语, 所以谓语,所以后面加谓语就行了。what was 就是主+谓the matter 不是主语,是表语那什么时候要改变语序呢?例如 I don't know where he livedPlease tell me what his name is这就是连接词+主语+谓语其实你问的是特殊的句型。类似这样的不改语序的还有What is happening?Who's on duty ?我还是没怎么懂!你要记住的就是what was the matter就是陈述语序。What is happening?Who's on duty ? 也是陈述语序。以上几句是特殊的,疑问词就是主语,所以语序就是主语+谓语的陈述语序,不要改语序了。其他的就按照 连接词+主语+谓语的规则来,需要变语序。