

1.A scientist who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than ______ who doesn’t.
A.one B.those Cthe one D.that
变题:2.Some scientists who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than ______ who doesn’t.这空又填什么呢?
3.The book on the dsesk is better than ______ under the desk(本题答案唯一吗)
The books on the dsesk are better than ______ under the desk.(本题答案唯一吗)
4.A book on the dsesk is better than ______ under the desk
Some books on the dsesk are better than ______ under the desk

要想做对这几道题,首先要明白one, ones, that, those的意义及用法.one指代不确定的泛指的人或物,只替代可数名词单数.Yesterday I lost my pen but now I’ve bought one.昨天我把我的钢笔丢失了,现在我又买了一个.th...第一问scientist后面不是也有修饰的吗?第一问虽然有定语从句,但他是泛指,你翻译成汉语就明白了,但第四问如果翻译成:在桌子上的一本书要比在桌子下面的一本书要好。通吗?那第二题如果动词和be动词形式都正确的话,那答案又是什么呢?这种变体也是不对的,就和第四题第二问一样的。