谁能帮我写一篇英语作文 标题Describe a company,using the information given in the Chinese chart with


谁能帮我写一篇英语作文 标题Describe a company,using the information given in the Chinese chart with
字数不要太长 80字以内吧
Describe a company,using the information given in the Chinese chart with the help of the words or phrases supplied for reference

公司 ━办事处━广州 武汉

The company is very famous,the headquarter of which is in Beijing.There are two sub-companies located in Guangzhou and Wuhan.There are 40people in the research center,who are responsible for the new p...谢谢你 能再加一点点单词吗这是我期末考试的作文后天考试写这么少 好像不太好