My mother is good cooking.Every day she tired to cook-----for me


My mother is good cooking.Every day she tired to cook-----for me
A something different
B everything different

选择A, something different一些不同的东西(食物),不特指
everything different意思是每样东西都不同
不懂追问,欢迎采纳O(∩_∩)O~~thanks那这道题怎么做That made me----one of the familyAfeelBlikeC feel like Dseem选C,feel like 固定短语 意思是给人的感觉,一种家的感觉Jane never goes to the dentist------[clean] her teeth你的英语学得真好,那这道题肿么做,亲能告诉我英语怎么学的吗填 to clean 表示目的(他到那里去洗牙)呵呵,我都不学英语好多年了,孩子慢慢认真学吧,其实英语不是太难的,望采纳,不懂继续问!They all had a good time改为完全否定句这道题{{{(>_