有live+ where 定语从句吗?


有live+ where 定语从句吗?
下面这句话中的or where food is stored 是houses的定语从句还是别的?a small animal that is covered in fur and has a long thin tail.Mice live in fields,in people's houses or where food is stored

是状语从句,Mice live in 的第一个宾语是名词field,第二个宾语是名词people's houses,第三个如果有介词in的话,就是宾语从句where food is stored.但是没有in,就是状语从句,如 I now live where Luxun was born .我住在鲁迅出生的地方,从句修饰动词live.但是个人认为,应该加个In,这个就是介词的宾语从句了,更常见.