He took the book out of his bag and began to read.read 在这句里是原型,还是过去式,或过去分词?


He took the book out of his bag and began to read.read 在这句里是原型,还是过去式,或过去分词?

begin to do sth 原型呀 固定语法do 就是句中的read ?? sth是??? 这种固定是每个对应还是???很多词都有 +to do sth 的结构,是固定的,在多读多看中熟悉,有的是+ do sth 比如had better do sth 有的是+ doing sth 比如insist in doing sthdo 就是 read,后面的sth 就是the book ,只不过他没有写He took the book out of his bag and began to read the book. 加上就重复了,所以不加