my friend and i will travel _ Disneyland next week(横线上填一介词)


my friend and i will travel _ Disneyland next week(横线上填一介词)

travel to
They are as likely totrave lto Disneyland as they are to visit Mecca.- CNN:Traditional Yet Modern好像travel to是朝…方向旅行的意思�ţ�����һЩ��䣬����travel in Ҳ�ǿ��Եġ������������IJ���˼��������һЩ������û��������。。。那真心两个都可以。如果只是口语,不要纠结于这个好吧。又看了一下例句什么的,觉得travel在做动词的时候,用to比较好一些。travel in的例子里面一般travel是以名词理解的But she will also travel to Monterrey, Mexico, a thriving industrial town near the U.S. border. CNNFood and milk prices could be affected nationwide and quarantines could affect travel in California.