这个英语句子真不懂?这是新概念 二 的练习题,这里说; I have already had lunch.have you had ...


这个英语句子真不懂?这是新概念 二 的练习题,这里说; I have already had lunch.have you had ...
这是新概念 二 的练习题,这里说;
I have already had lunch.
have you had lunch yet?
不明白为什么用had lunch?had 不是用在过去完成时态吗?
下面给我个 练习 模仿上面提问,
I have already seen the new play at 'The globe'.
Have you ______________________?
是不要加had 不懂?求救……

had这里是过去分词,have/has done 是现在完成时的构成,had就是这里的done (过去分词)
练习改写为:Have you seen the new play at "The Globe" yet?
seen 是过去分词
补充:过去完成时的构成是:had done