1、They went hiking at the end of last month.9用next month改成句子) They___ __ __ next month.


1、They went hiking at the end of last month.9用next month改成句子) They___ __ __ next month.
2、We hope that we can visit Beijing.(改为同义句)
We hope ______ ______ Bejing.
.3、He decided to buy a new house.
He decided ______ ______ a new house.
4、We are sataying for three weeks.(对for three weeks提问)
______ ______ ______ you staying.
5、Mary likes going shopping with her sister?(对her sister 提问)
______ ______ Mary like going shopping ______?
6、To work in a hospital is interesting.(改为同义句)
______ ______ interesting ______ work in a hospital.

1.They will go hiking next month.2.We hope to visit Beijing.3.He decided on buying a new house.4.How long are you staying?5.Whom does Mary like going shopping with?6.It is interesting to work in a hop...