1、oh,what’s the matter?【 】2、l’m sorry.are you ill?【 】3、good morning!how are you?【 】


1、oh,what’s the matter?【 】2、l’m sorry.are you ill?【 】3、good morning!how are you?【 】
4、l’m tired.【 】5、no,l’m not ill.【 】6、thank you very much.【 】7、not so good.【 】8、here’s a chair for you【 】 整理句子【排序】

很高兴可以为你解答问题.good morning!how are you?(1)not so good.(2)oh,what’s the matter?(3)l’m tired.(4)l’m sorry.are you ill?(5)no,l’m not ill.(6)here’s a chair for you(7)thank you ...