if the tens digit x and the units digit y of a positive integer n are reversed,the resulting intger is 9 more than n.Wha


if the tens digit x and the units digit y of a positive integer n are reversed,the resulting intger is 9 more than n.What is y in terms of
a 10-x b 9-x c x+9 d x-1 e x+1

问题:如果把一个正整数n的十位数x和其个位数y相颠倒,得到的整数是9,请用x表示y(那个more than n 我真心没看懂.)
如果按照题意走的话,x=9,y=0,所以x+y=9the resulting intger is 9 more than n.这个意思是结果是一个比n大9的数。这题我就不晓得哪个 reversed 是怎么个用法。应该不是颠倒吧?我感觉我前面翻译没问题,就是把十位跟个位换位置,那这道题就好解了。因为:10x+y=n,10y+x=n+9,用第二个式子减去第一个式子所以:9y-9x=9也就是y=x+9,看来一开始我猜对了