② She is one of the few girls who___in the kindergarten.A.are well paid B.are playing well


② She is one of the few girls who___in the kindergarten.A.are well paid B.are playing well

A.A.are well paid待遇很好
She is one of the few girls who (are well paid) in the kindergarten.
她是这个幼儿园里少数待遇很好的女孩之一.B答案理解为正玩的很好的不行吗?为什么?你的意思是:她是这个幼儿园里少数正在玩得很好的女孩之一。(我的天!其他大多数的女孩都玩得痛苦?)何况“玩得很好”要说have a good time,是不?亲!仅仅是因为意思不对才不选?有很多时候,句子语法正确还是算作病句的,只因为意思不符合常理。谢谢你!终于明白了。