_____ in the way they do their work.A.There are not many methods.B.There are not good methods.


_____ in the way they do their work.A.There are not many methods.B.There are not good methods.
_____ in the way they do their work.A.There are not many methods.B.There are not good methods.C.There is not a method D.There is not much methods 这个是完整的题,有详解最好

首先排除D method可数不能用much修饰in the way they do their work是 ‘在他们工作的途径上’A的话 就是说 ‘在他们工作的途径上没有多少选择的余地.’B的在not后面加个any或者many会更通顺些~C ‘一条都没有’太绝...讲的不错,不过按照你这么说的话你应该是把后面的they do their work看成了定语从句修饰the way ,但是这个定从的引导词却给省略掉了,定从引导词应该是只有担当宾语的时候可以省略吧?但是这个定从很明显主谓宾都有啊,所以也不太对吧?然后能不能再细说点A选项和B选项的区别呢?谢谢,!都说了这个题出的不好么 要不你问问老师吧如果不按我的理解 那你是想把in the way看成是那个‘阻碍’的意思吗 如果看成是那个词组 那我个人觉得句子就更不通了自己去感觉吧 没看出语法就是说 凭感觉认为的~~哦,你也是学生啊?我假期给学生补课,碰到这么个恶心的题,哥也没招啊 我问了很我题,有些英美留学的朋友说C比较合适,哥也纠结了~