() you answer the question in english?sorry,i ().() i answer it in english


() you answer the question in english?sorry,i ().() i answer it in english
1.A:________ you answer the question in English?
B:Sorry,I ________.________ I answer it in English?A:No,you ________.You ________ answer it in Chinese.2.A:________ I ask a question?
B:Yes,you ________.But you ________ wait,a minute.3.A:________ I use your eraser,Bill?
B:Sorry.I don’t have one.Ask Mary.She _________ have one.4.A:________ you help me do the shopping.B:OK,Sure.
5.A:________ you sweep the floor?
B:But I ________ finish my homework first.

用could,can,may,must,needn’t填空.1.A:__Can__ you answer the question in English?B:Sorry,I __can't__.___May_____ I answer it in English?A:No,you ___can't___.You ___must_ answer it in Chinese.2.A:___Ma...