

冯小明在学校学习已经一年多了,他学习勤奋,各科成绩优秀.但他家很穷,爸爸又不幸患病多年,无钱医治,眼看就要辍学啦 ……现在你们班里的每位同学都在尽力帮助他,请你以全班同学的名义写一份70词左右的倡议书,倡议全校同学帮他.
参考词汇:study,since,important,drop out of scholl,pay for,ill,raise money,poor,hear of

Feng Xiaoming has studied in school since one year before. He isdiligent and does well in every subject. But his family is very poor. What is more unfortunate is that his father has been illfor many years and could hardly pay for the medical fee. So he is about to drop out of school. This is why we want to raise money for him. Now it's time for you tooffer your helping hand ! We hope that our aid can help him go through the difficult time.