距今 英语怎么说1 这座寺庙距今已经1200多年了2 你今天看起来很困啊?没睡好觉吗?3 她被那副画深深吸引住了4 女孩被橱窗里面的那件黑色晚礼服吸引了.5 18岁以下 禁止入内 / 禁止观看6 衣冠不整者禁止入内7 未带证件者禁止入内8 和喜欢的人一起登山看日出,感觉非常好.英语翻译了.9 要不是Tom 拦着我,我早就揍他啦


距今 英语怎么说
1 这座寺庙距今已经1200多年了
2 你今天看起来很困啊?没睡好觉吗?
3 她被那副画深深吸引住了
4 女孩被橱窗里面的那件黑色晚礼服吸引了.
5 18岁以下 禁止入内 / 禁止观看
6 衣冠不整者禁止入内
7 未带证件者禁止入内
8 和喜欢的人一起登山看日出,感觉非常好.
9 要不是Tom 拦着我,我早就揍他啦


1.This temple has been here for 1200 years
2.You look tired. Don't you have a good sleep.
3.She was fascinated by that painting.
4.The girl is attracted by the black dovetail
5.It's forbidden under 18.
6.Untidy clothing is not admitted here.
7.No license is not admitted here.
8.It's a wonderful experience hiking to the mountain top to share the sun rise.

1." This temple was built 1,200 years ago."2." You look so sleepy today. You didn't sleep well last night, did you?"3." She was deeply drawn by that picture./ She was deeply attracted by that picture....