

GDP is defined as the market value of all final goods and services produced
a.\x05by the citizens of a country,regardless of where they live,in a given period of time; this definition focuses on GDP as a measure of total income.
b.\x05by the citizens of a country,regardless of where they live,in a given period of time; this definition focuses on GDP as a measure of total expenditure.
c.\x05within a country in a given period of time; this definition focuses on GDP as a measure of total income.
d.\x05within a country in a given period of time; this definition focuses on GDP as a measure of total expenditure.

c讲的是收入,d讲的是支出,计算GDP有两种方法,一种收入法,一种支出法.两者好像都没有讲到进出口�������Ϊʲôѡ��D?���� d�������ڰɣ�������������˼������ d�������ڰɣ�������������˼��