

(B)___of people have never been there.
A,Three fourth B.Three-quarters C.Three-fourth D.Third-four
(B) Our life has greatly changed here since___.
A.the seventieth B.the seventies C.seventy years D.the past seventy
(A)There ___two minutes left.
A.are B.is C.have D.has
(B)There are ____in the garden.
A.a kind of flower B.all kinds of flowers C.a few kind of flowers D.a few kinds of flower

第一题,表示四分之三,有两种方法:three-quarters或three fourths, three-fourths第二题,the seventies表示七十年代第三题,there be 结构的主谓一致搭配,都是和后面的名次单复数配合的,因为two minutes是负数,所以选...