英语短文时态填空George was a quiet,serious


英语短文时态填空George was a quiet,serious
George was a quiet,serious young man.He ______(study)very hard one year,and when he ____( pass )his examinations,his friend Jim _______( go )to give him his congratulations and then ____ ( have ) an earnest conversation with him.
"You _______( not be )to a dance,George,"he said."It's boring always _______ ( study ) and never _______ ( enjoy ) oneself._____( come ) out with me this evening."
"Perhaps you're right,Jim."_______(reply)George after a moment's hesitation.
So they went to a dance and had an enjoyable time.But George ______( drink ) more than he _______ ( be used to ),and by midnight Jim _______ (become) worried about him,so he said,"Now we'll walk home in the cool air."
On their way home ,they _______ ( come )to a bridge ,and George looked down at the river below attentively .The stars ______ (reflect) in its smooth surface.
"What ______(be) those lights down there "George asked.
"They're the stars,George ,"Jim ______(reply).
"The stars?"George said.
"Well ,then,how ______ (do) I ______ (get up) here?"

studied passed went had