课外阅读练习题答案Ⅷ 阅读短文,


课外阅读练习题答案Ⅷ 阅读短文,
Marywenttothe parkyesterday.Ontheway,she sawanoldwomanwhowantedtocrosstheroad. Mary went to her andhelpedhergocrossthe road.Theoldwomensaid,“Thank you!”Marysmiledandsaid,“Youarewelcome.”Inthepark,Marymether oldfriendBetty.They haven’tseeneachotherforoneyear.Theycameouttheparktogetherandwenttothecoffeeshop.Theytalkedforthewhole afternoon.They Talkedabout thetimewhentheywere intheprimaryschool.Theywere happy.Theydecidedtomeeteachotheronce aweek.ThenMary saidgoodbyetoBetty. Shewenthomeat5 o’clock.“Itwasahappyday,”Marywroteonherdairybook.(文章完)
() 1.Maryis a policewoman.
() 2.Heroldfriendisanold woman.
() 3.Marywenthomealone.
() 4.Betty helpedthe old womancrossingroad.
() 5. MaryandBettywereinthesameschoolbefore.
() 6. Mary and Betty aregoing toseeeachothernextweek.
这是那篇文章:This is the Food Pyramid (金字塔). Follow this, it can make you healthy. At the bottom (底部) are bread, rice and noodles. We eat a lot of them. Above (在上面) them are vegetables and fruits. We eat a lot of them too. Candy (糖果) and potato chips (薯条) are at the top. We eat a little of (一点) these. Below (在下面) them are eggs, cheese, chicken, fish and milk.
〔〕1. We eat a lot of vegetables and fruits because they have vitamins.(维生素)
〔〕2. We must eat a little bread, rice and noodles.

TΪʲô�������Ǵ���أ���Ϊ��Mary�������̫̫��������BettyŶ�������ˡ�лл���������ô���أ����������⣬лл�������������û����ȥ�����⡣����3. We must (����)eat a lot of chicken, candy and potato chips.����4. Milk, eggs and fish are good for our health(����)������5. It��s about (����)the Food PyramidTFFTT