1.You can't have this football back () you promise not to kick it at my cat again." the old man said angrily.


1.You can't have this football back () you promise not to kick it at my cat again." the old man said angrily.
A.because B.since C.when D.until这道题翻译成中文什么意思,为什么选D
2.I can't still understand the passage () there are few new words in it
A.so B.because C.if D.though这道题翻译成中文什么意思,为什么选D
3.I wonder ().
A.how much cost these shoes B.how much these shoes cost
C.how much do these shoes cost D.how much are these shoes cost
有点繁琐 希望各位能不吝赐教.

1.D.not...until “直到.才.”是一个固定搭配,全句意思:“你(直到)答应不再把球踢向我的猫才能把足球带回去.”
2.D.though “虽然”,“虽然这篇文章几乎没有什么生词,但我还是理解不了它.”
3.B.这是考查宾语从句.英语中,一个疑问句作从句,从句都要用陈述句的顺序,即主语在前,谓语在后.how much 是疑问词,肯定放在从句开头,引导从句.the shoes 是主语,cost 动词,花费,值.钱,作从句的谓语.