读一读,完成句子 How can the water一一【become]vapour?the sun一一[shine]and the water一一[become]va


读一读,完成句子 How can the water一一【become]vapour?the sun一一[shine]and the water一一[become]va

How can the water become vapour?水如何变成蒸气?
the sun shines and the water becomes vapour.太阳照射水就变成蒸气了It's a一一[sun]day.The cioud一一[come]from the vapour.Where一一[do]the vapour一一[come]from?They一一[go]up together and become a cioud.It's a sunny day.The cioud comes from the vapour.Where does the vapour come from?They go up together and become a cioud