

1. the children said to their teacher:"would you please sing song for us ?"
2.the mother said to her child :"turn off the radio!"
3.the dentist said to a patient :"open your mother please,so i can see the bad tooth clearly ."
4. the secretary said to the woman on the phone:"could you hold on for a minute?"
5.john said to his classmate:"can i borrow your pen please?"
6.the teacher said to his syudent:"comp up to my office!"

1.The children asked their teacher to sing a song for them .
2.The mother told her child to turn off the radio.
3.The dentist asked a patient to open his/her mouth so that he could see the bad teeth clearly.
4.The secretary asked the woman on the phone to hold on for a minute.
5.John asked his classmate to lend him his pen .
6.The teacher told his student to go up to his office.