求电影《父女大不同》(what a girl want)插曲


求电影《父女大不同》(what a girl want)插曲
影片中达芙妮被亨利的未婚妻关进的房间之后,克拉里莎陪亨利跳妇女舞.之后达芙妮出来生气地把装饰让给她,和母亲离开了英格兰.接下来伴奏的那首英文歌曲叫什么来着:I'm awake afternoon,fall asleep in the living room.one as those more when everything is so clear,fall the truth that back heading ,one decide cause it was deciding,walk on finding something more than feel ,baby,we need to see the daylight ,

HALF LIFE--DUNCAN SHEIKI'm awake in the afternoon I fell asleep in the living room and it's one of those moments when everything is so clear before the truth goes back into hiding I want to decide 'ca...