She still talks about the man in the truck stop. 翻译
She still talks about the man in the truck stop. 翻译
她还在说那个在卡车停车位遇到的男人的事.希望有所帮助翻译。And when she gives her toys away she wants them to go to someone that wants them as badly as she wanted her kitty cat back then.谢谢了你别挂悬赏了有什么都直接问我了吧当她送出她的玩具时,她希望收到它们的是像那时自己急切渴望那只kitty猫一样渴望着这些玩具的人。But, the ten dollars he spent that day bought years of joy and it might be more than he ever could have imagined!但是那天他花出的十美元给他带来了延续数年的快乐,这或许远远超过了他最初的想象。不谢。你几点下线?我今天下午一直在。With my improved self-confidence comes more praise from teachers and classmates.能帮翻译下吗随着我自信心的增长我获得了更多来自老师们和同班同学的赞扬。xie xie不谢你是老师吗?学生大学生?高三毕业我高一,要上高二了。你刚高考完啊?嗯大约战绩如何?肯定很厉害啊还行吧哦哦,大约能上哪所大学咱能别在这儿聊天吗。。。。。好的,对不起没事