新概念英语第一册69课中语法新概念英语第一册69课中there were hundreds of people there.my wife and i were at the race.our friends julie and Jack ere there,too.you can see us in the crowd.we are standing on the left.there ere twenty cars in the race.we are standing on the left.这一句上下文都是用过去时.为什么这一句用现在进行时.thank you for your help用现在进与用过去时有什么区别呢?


there were hundreds of people there.
my wife and i were at the race.
our friends julie and Jack ere there,too.
you can see us in the crowd.
we are standing on the left.
there ere twenty cars in the race.
we are standing on the left.这一句上下文都是用过去时.为什么这一句用现在进行时.
thank you for your help

you can see us in the crowd的后一句应为现在进行时表示你可以看见我当时…………有区别.一般现表示对现在有影响的.如:I have just had my lunch.表示我已吃过饭,而且现在还不要吃.I have saw that film.表示我看...