求牛人英文翻译几句话01 麦蒂麦蒂的天赋毋庸置疑,可惜始终和伤病为伍.腰伤、背伤还有那脆弱的膝盖,都让他的状态江河日下,败走休斯敦,转战尼克斯,如今委身底特律,那个无所不能的麦蒂已经离我们很遥远了.02 姚明作为2002年的状元,姚明曾经是休斯顿火箭复兴的希望,但是希望越大失望往往更大,姚明在火箭的这八年并没有实现火箭的复兴,而球队的成绩也随着姚明的伤病起起伏伏.从2005年6月姚明第一次走上手术台,姚明已经大大小小做过了7次手术,而且每次的受伤都比上一次来得严重.上赛季姚明缺席了整个赛季的比赛,新赛季只为火箭打了5场比赛就再次倒下,复出遥遥无期.03 希尔曾经他是乔丹的接班人,可是他也是一个被伤病诅咒的天才,从加盟魔术开始,希尔就一直在病榻上蹉跎,职业生涯最黄金的时光都是在和伤病作斗争.最具讽刺意味的是希尔上赛季成为太阳出勤率最高的球员,只是已经老了.04 哈达威又是一个保守伤病折磨的天才,魔术时期的哈达威的膝盖已经脆弱不堪了,急功近利的魔术没有让他获得足够的休息;加盟太阳后哈达威接受了一次膝盖


01 麦蒂
02 姚明
03 希尔
04 哈达威
05 拉尔夫•桑普森


01 tmac
McGrady's talent indubitability,but always associate with injuries.YaoShang,a back injury and the weak knee,let his state anti-mugabe,both Houston,fought the knicks,now committed Detroit,the omnipotent tmac had left us very far away.
02 yaoming
As the 2002 draft,yao was once the Houston rockets revival of hope,but the hope is bigger,more disappointed often yao in the eight years did not fulfill the rockets revival,and also with the team's record of yao's injury ups and downs.From June 2005 yao the first time on operating table,yao has greatly small done it seven times,and each time the injured surgery compared to previous come serious.Last season yao missed all this season,the new season for the rockets played five games again fell,and return light-years away.
03 hill
Once he was Jordan's successor,but he is a genius,and cursed by injuries from joining magic began,hill has been wasted on his career,the most gold time with injuries are in combat.The great irony is hill attendance of the highest last season is the player,but already old.
04 hardaway
Another conservative injury torment of genius,magic period of the knee is hardaway fragile and hasting magic no let him get enough rest,After joining the sun hardaway underwent an knee minimally invasive surgery,and has since state is gone forever.
05 Ralph SangPuSen
In 1983 the rockets signed with kwame brown was selected to SangPuSen,in the second rocket and signed a big dream hakeem olajuwon,two people formed the terror of insider towers,initial both played a tremendous power will be the rockets brought into the NBA finals.But soon SangPuSen were injuries targeted,play the engine,state and downs,eventually lose patience rockets will trade him to men.91-92.SangPuSen dim and retired season