1.Parents shouldn`t _________ their children too hard ,or they will have no interest in study.2.Don`t _______ with your parents.You can talk with them about your problems.3.We all fell _______love with Beijing when we got there on May 6.4.He lives ________ in his apartment because he has no family and no pet .5.The ticket to the basketball game cost me $10.(同义句)_________ _________ $10 ______ the ticket to the basketball game .6.There isn`t e______ foo


1.Parents shouldn`t _________ their children too hard ,or they will have no interest in study.
2.Don`t _______ with your parents.You can talk with them about your problems.
3.We all fell _______love with Beijing when we got there on May 6.
4.He lives ________ in his apartment because he has no family and no pet .
5.The ticket to the basketball game cost me $10.(同义句)
_________ _________ $10 ______ the ticket to the basketball game .
6.There isn`t e______ food for sixty people.Let`s go and get more.
7.The s_______ of our TV is wery big .Grandparents can see clearly.
which ______ _______ is the _______ _______your school?
They need ______ _______ new computers and they plan to buy the _____best quality computers .

be angry
I spend buying
cinema most nearest
many more most
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