英语造句,想爆了还是编不出来.用energetic(耐心的)造一个句子;用be confident(自信的) of造一个句子;用annoy造两个句子;用represent(v,代表)造一个句子;用come out(某物出版)造一个句子;用downstairs造一个句子;用offer(提供) sb sth造一个句子;用offer to do sth造两个句子;用refuse(拒绝) to do sth造两个句子.错了,energetic应该是有活力的,精力充沛的意思.


用be confident(自信的) of造一个句子;
用come out(某物出版)造一个句子;
用offer(提供) sb sth造一个句子;
用offer to do sth造两个句子;
用refuse(拒绝) to do sth造两个句子.

i 'm energetic to explain the hard question to my son
i'm confident to finish my homework
i'm annoyed because of the noise out the window
i'm annoyed because he disturbed me when i 'm a listening to music
The dove represents peace
that book hasn't come out yet
please go downstairs to help your mom clean the windows
can you offer me some sugar?
the hotel offers you to take a bath
i can offer you enough money to pay your debt
how can you refuse to accept my invitation?
He refused my offer of hospitality

1、He is an energetic man. 他是个 有耐心的人
2、I am confident of the exam.我对考试充满信心
3、She is annoyed for your words. 因为你的话她生气了
4、X represents the unknown. X 代表未知数
5、This book will come out next month.这本书下个月出版
6、I live in the downstairs room. 我住在楼下的房间.
7、He offered me a cup of tea yesterday.他昨天给我端了杯茶
8、 I often offer to help the others.我乐于帮助别人
He offered to beat the thief last time.他上次要揍那个小偷.
9、He fefused to help me .他拒绝帮助我.
The motor fefused to start.马达开不动、