英语翻译在电影中.爱丽丝帮助白王后抢回权力,夺回天下,打败了恶龙,赢得了最后的胜利.刚开始,她也不相信自己会打败恶龙,也不愿意去打恶龙.但是,在别人的鼓励下,她终于鼓起勇气,开始了与恶龙的争斗.最后,因为爱丽丝不放弃的毅力,她终于用自己的双手打败了恶龙.从中,我们学会了不管做什么事情,都要有勇气 信心 不怕困难和不轻易认输的心.成败在于自己的态度和自己的心理,只要我们不害怕,有勇气和信心 就可以战胜一切困难


在电影中.爱丽丝帮助白王后抢回权力,夺回天下,打败了恶龙,赢得了最后的胜利.刚开始,她也不相信自己会打败恶龙,也不愿意去打恶龙.但是,在别人的鼓励下,她终于鼓起勇气,开始了与恶龙的争斗.最后,因为爱丽丝不放弃的毅力,她终于用自己的双手打败了恶龙.从中,我们学会了不管做什么事情,都要有勇气 信心 不怕困难和不轻易认输的心.成败在于自己的态度和自己的心理,只要我们不害怕,有勇气和信心 就可以战胜一切困难

In the film.Alice helpedthe White Queenrob to return topower,to regainthe world,defeatedthe dragon,won the final victory.At first,she did notbelieve they candefeat the dragon,is not willing toplaythe dragon.However,in someone else's encouragement,shefinally plucked up the couragetofight,andthe dragon.Finally,because Alice did notgive up theperseverance,she finallywith their own handsto defeatthe dragon.From it,we learnno matter what you do,must have the courageof confidenceis not afraid of difficultiesanddo notgive up easilyheart.Success lies intheir attitudes andtheir psychological,as long as we don'tfear,courage andconfidencetoovercome all difficulties

In the film,Alice helped the White Queen to regain her power and take back the world,she defeated the evil dragon in the end welcomed vicotry.At first,she did not believe herself in defeating the drag...