The shy boy appeared in the classroom,_____ his mother,who was leading him _____hand.A followed by…on his B followed…by Cfollowing…by the D following…by 选C _____is how he has collected so many stamps.A What I am puzzled B That I am puzzled C That I am puzzled about D What I am puzzled about 选 A打错了 第二题 选d


The shy boy appeared in the classroom,_____ his mother,who was leading him _____hand.
A followed by…on his B followed…by Cfollowing…by the D following…by
_____is how he has collected so many stamps.
A What I am puzzled B That I am puzzled C That I am puzzled about D What I am puzzled about
选 A
第二题 选d

第一句话是非谓语结构,主动的时候用现在分词,被动的话用过去分词,这里是这个小男孩主动跟着他妈妈咯.后面的话by hand是表示用手,就是说用手拉着他,带着他
第二题先翻译句子:我感到困惑的是他是怎样收集到那么多邮票的,所以B,C先排除,其次puzzle about表示苦思苦想,这里没有这个意思,他不过是困惑而已,犯不找苦思苦想,所以选A

the shy boy 是主语 Follow这个动作是主动的
by the hand
特指the shy boy 的hand 所以用the

1.The shy boy appeared in the classroom,_____ his mother,who was leading him _____hand.
The shy boy appeared in the classroom and he followed his mother,who was leading him by the hand.
这时你会看到and he followed his mother中的he 就是the shy boy,为了避免重复,把后面的and he followed 变为非谓语following . the hand 是固定用法.
又如:The man hit Bob on the head.
Don't pull me by the collar.