


I hope every day "61" children's day has finally come.
In the morning, I would get out of bed at five thirty. The first step, comb painting makeup, I take a mirror to the left, it's right look in the pretty, he turned and went to school running.
The first program is a grade for the children rehearse for the international children's day song. Clap your hands See small classmate a lively and beautiful, full of spirit and jubilant. They LiangKai throat struggled to sing and spread out his hands tried clap, clap hands all red. The second program is grade six elder brother and sister chorus performances. They lined up in huge team, with the bell LiangKai roostertails singing voice to celebrate "61". Time in singing, laughter and applause, music past. In fast This we play in the fifth grade. We want to use the dance of joy to celebrate "61". Standing on the stage, I don't know that I jump have much good, but I saw the crowd of teachers and students are looking at we laugh, toward us applause. Today I am very happy!


Earth is a place where all the human beings live by.The things around us are interdependent with us.Based on this concept,our school organized an activity to protect the enviroment.Our school assigned...

Earth is our family . we depend on it to live . we will all die if earth is died tomorrow.
Do you don't love yr family?
so we should protect our Earth every time.
We plant trees , keep river clean, circle the rubbishes to love Earth