I would like to return the bag to you via English Royal Mail.Will you agree to refund me the cost of the bag which was USD 79.80 via my paypal account.If you agree to do this please give me your postal address to which I should send the returned bag.


I would like to return the bag to you via English Royal Mail.Will you agree to refund me the cost of the bag which was USD 79.80 via my paypal account.If you agree to do this please give me your postal address to which I should send the returned bag.



我愿意通过英国皇家邮政把包归还给你.还包费用是79.80美元,你能把还包费用返还到我的贝宝帐户上马?如果你同意上述请求,请把你的邮址给我,以便我把包返还给你. 译注:PayPal(在*的品牌为贝宝),是一个总部在...