英语翻译 翻译英文(过去式): 我们在海边玩着沙子,用金黄的沙子堆积出自己的城堡,这十分有趣.我还和一只海龟拍了照,它十分友好,我很喜欢它.  接着,我在海中游泳,这使我非常放松,带给我快乐.而且我很擅长游泳,我可以在海中游很远.  最后,我们来到了“天涯海角”游览,这是一个著名的景点,海南因它而出名.  海南是个美丽的地方,使我流连忘返.你又去哪了?



We were in the seaside to pay on the sand, with the golden sand accumulation out their own castle, it was quite interesting. I also took a photograph with a turtle , it was very friendly, I like it very much.
Then, I swam in the sea, it made me very relax, brong me happiness. And I'm good at swimming, I could be in the middle sea far away.
Finally, we came to "the ends of the earth" visit, this was a famous scenic spot, hainan is famous for it.
Hainan is a beautiful place,i enjoyed myselves very much. This summer, and you go?

We were playing with sand on the seaside,and built up our own castle with golden sand,which was really interesting.I also took a photo with a turtle.It is rather friendly and I like it very much. late...