英语翻译厨师把鸡鸭鱼牛羊猪召集起来,热情地说:今天我们充分发扬*,你们说说喜欢怎样被人吃掉?众皆不语.这时牛小心翼翼探头却欲言又止.厨师鼓励道:说吧,不要拘束,发扬*就是要畅所欲言!於是牛说:其实我们都不想被人吃掉!厨师笑著说:你看你,一开口就跑题了.One day,cook call a meeting.Many family poultry are invited to join this meeting.Cook said:we will discuss that how to serve human,that is to say what kinds of food you want to be.There is silent in the meeting place,nobody say anything.Cook encourage attendee:please,please,you can share your any idea with us,just a meeting.C


One day,cook call a meeting.Many family poultry are invited to join this meeting.
Cook said:we will discuss that how to serve human,that is to say what kinds of food you want to be.
There is silent in the meeting place,nobody say anything.
Cook encourage attendee:please,please,you can share your any idea with us,just a meeting.
Cow raised his head,looks likely to say something,but still silent.
Cook said:don't hesitate,you can say anything that you want,we should separate ideas from someone delivering them.
Cow stood up,'in fact we do want not to be eaten by human...'
Cook said with a smile:sorry,sorry,you are far away our topic.