帮忙翻译成英文 谢绝机器翻译改革开放以来,中国经济高速发展,经济的发展使得物质生活不断丰富,必然导致人们对生活质量的更高追求.婚姻在人的一生中历时漫长,因而婚姻生活的幸福与否对人生幸福与否、对生活质量的高低具有重大意义.城市得益于经济优先发展,一直走在思想发展和意识潮流的前端,城市女性婚姻观念的改变最早、思想也最新.因而本文选取女性意识发展较为先进的城市女性为代表,对城市女性婚姻观念的改变进行系统分析.本文首先指出婚姻观的界定以及研究婚姻观改变的意义.进而对城市女性婚姻观改变的表现进行概括,从正反两个方面分析城市女性婚姻观念改变的影响,详细分析婚姻观念改变的原因.最后探讨如何引导城市女性婚姻观念的继续发展.


帮忙翻译成英文 谢绝机器翻译

Since the reform and open policy,the Chinese economy has developed high speed,the economical development causes the material life to be unceasingly rich,causes the people inevitably to a quality of life higher pursue.The marriage in person's life lasted long,thus marriage's happiness or not is happy to the life or not,has the great significance to the quality of life height.The city benefits in the economy gives priority to development,has walked in the thought development and consciousness tidal current front end,the urban feminine marriage idea change,the thought is also most early newest.Therefore this article selects the female to realize develops the more advanced urban females is representative,carries on the system analysis to the urban feminine marriage idea's change.This article first points out the marital view the limits as well as the research marriage view change significance.Then carries on the summary to the urban feminine marriage view change's performance,analyzes the urban feminine marriage idea change from the pro and con two aspects the influence,multianalysis marriage idea change reason.How finally discusses to guide the urban feminine marriage idea to continue the development.