Long long ago,there lived a king.He loved horses.One day,he asked an artist to draw him a beautiful horse.The artist said he must wait.So the king waited and waited.After a year,he could not wait any longer.以上是1985年左右的初中一年级或者二年级英语课本中的一篇文章,后面的我记不全了,谁能把它帮我补完整?Thank you very very very much!


Long long ago,there lived a king.He loved horses.One day,he asked an artist to draw him a beautiful horse.The artist said he must wait.So the king waited and waited.
After a year,he could not wait any longer.
以上是1985年左右的初中一年级或者二年级英语课本中的一篇文章,后面的我记不全了,谁能把它帮我补完整?Thank you very very very much!

Long,long ago there lived a king.He loved horses.One day he asked an artist to draw him a beautiful horse.The artist said,"All right,but you must wait." So the king waited.He waited and waited.At last...