把句子变成被动语态或主动语态1.my brother opens the windows every morning2.she didn't clean the room this morning3.do they soeak English in Americe?4.the actor was loved by the young people5.the clothes aren't washed by her6.what was found by them?7.Bob gave her an interesting book8.he bought his children some pencils9.Everyone calls me Xiao Wang10.mary is making a doll11.she cannot compose such fine music12.my mother was cutting down the tree13.he hasn't received t


1.my brother opens the windows every morning
2.she didn't clean the room this morning
3.do they soeak English in Americe?
4.the actor was loved by the young people
5.the clothes aren't washed by her
6.what was found by them?
7.Bob gave her an interesting book
8.he bought his children some pencils
9.Everyone calls me Xiao Wang
10.mary is making a doll
11.she cannot compose such fine music
12.my mother was cutting down the tree
13.he hasn't received the letter
14.somebody was cleaning the room when i arrived
15.we often heard him singing
16.we believe him to be a great scholar
17.my father made me go there alone
18.Everyboby will know the truth soon

1、The windows are opended by my brother every morning.
2、The room was not cleaned by she this morning.
3、English are spoken by them in America.
4、The young people love the actor.
5、She didn't wash the clothes.
6、What do they find.

1.The windows are opened my brother every morning
2.The room wasn't cleaned by her this morning
3.Is English spoken by them in Americe?
4.The young people love the actor.
5.She didn't wash the clothes .
6.what did they find ?
7.She was given an interesting book by Bob.
8.Some pencils was bought by him to his children .
9.I was called by everyone Xiao Wang.
10.A doll is being maked by mary.
11.Such fine music cannot be composed by her.
12.The tree was being cut down by my mother.
13.The letter wasn't received by him .
14.The room was being cleaned by somebody when I arrived.
15.He was often heard singing by us.
16.He was believed by us to be a great scholar.
17. I was made by my father to go there alone.
18. The truth will be known by everyboby soon .

主动表被动的关键在于“主宾换位”,动词变为 be +过分
1. The windows are opened by my brother every morning.
2. The room wasn't cleaned by her this morning.
3.Is English spoken (by they) in America?
4.The young people loved the actor.
5. She washed the clothes.
6. What did they find?
7.An interesting book was given to her by Bob.
8. Some pencils were bought for his children.
9. I am called Xiao Wang.
10. A doll is being made by Mary.
11. Such fine music cannot be composed by her.
12. The tree was being cut by my mother.
13.The letter hasn't been recieved by him.
14. The room was bejing cleaned when I arrived.
15. He was often heard singing.
16. He is believed ti be a great scholar.
17. I was made to go there alone.(make sb do sth,被动须还原为to do)
18. The truth will be known soon.

1.my brother opens the windows every morning
the window is opened by my brother every morning
2.she didn't clean the room this morning
the room didn't get cleaned by her this morning
3.do they speak English in America?
is English spoken by them in America?
4.the actor was loved by the young people
the yong people loved the actor
5.the clothes aren't washed by her
she didn't wash the clothes
6.what was found by them?
what did they find?
7.Bob gave her an interesting book
an interesting book was given to her by Bob
8.he bought his children some pencils
some peocils were brought to his children by him
9.Everyone calls me Xiao Wang
Xiao Wang is how everyone calls me
10.mary is making a doll
a doll is being made by Mary
11.she cannot compose such fine music
such fine music can not be composed by her
12.my mother was cutting down the tree
the tree was being cut down by my mother
13.he hasn't received the letter
the letter was not received by him
14.somebody was cleaning the room when i arrived
the room was being cleaned by somebody when i arrived
15.we often heard him singing
he was often heard by us singing
16.we believe him to be a great scholar
he was believed by us to be a great scholar
17.my father made me go there alone
I was made by my father to go there alone
18.Everyboby will know the truth soon
the truth will be known by everybody soon

The windows were opened by my brother every morning.
the room wasn't cleaned by she this morning.
is english spoken in Americe?
the young people loved the actor
she didn't wash the clothes.
what they found?
she was given an interesting book by Bob.
his children were brought some pencils by him.
I am called Xiao Wang.
a doll is making by mary.
such fine music can not be compose by her.
the tree was cutting down by my mother.
the letter has not been received by him.
the room was cleaning when i arrived
he was often heard singing.
he is believed to be a great scholar.
i was made go there alone by my father.
the truth will be known soon.

1主宾掉换 如第一句窗户作主语 再加be动词 加动词被动形式 加by母亲 最后把原句里的剩余成分放回句中即可 ^=^楼主不好噫思 我用手机打的不能帮你翻出来 给个分吧

1.The windows are opened by my brother every morning.
2.The room wasn't cleaned by her this morning.
3.Is English spoken by them in America?
4.The young people loved the actor.
5.She doesn't wash the clothes.
6.What did they find?
7.An interesting book was given to her by Bob.
8.Some pencils were bought for his children by him.
9.I am called Xiao Wang by everyone.
10.A doll is being made by Mary.
11.Such fine music can't be coposed by her.
12.The tree was being cut down by my mother.
13.The letter hasn't been received by him.
14.The room was being cleaned by somebody when I arrived.
15.He is often heard singing by us.
16.He is believed to be a great scholar.
17.I was made to go there alone by my father.
18.The truth will be known soon by everybody.

1.The windows are opened by my brother every morning.
2.The room wasn't cleaned by her this morning.
3.Is English spoken by them in America?
4.Young people love the actor.
5.She didn't wash the clothes.
6.What did they find?
7.An interesting book was given to her by Bob.
8.Some pencils were bought by him to his children.
9.I was called Xiao Wang by everyone.
10.A doll is being made by Mary.
11.Such fine music cannot be composed by her.
12.The tree was being cut down by my mother.
13.The letter wasn't received by him.
14.The room was being cleaned by somebody when I arrived.
15.He is often heard singing.
16.He is believed to be a great scholar by us.
17.I was made go there alone by my father.
18.The truth will be known by everybody soon.
晕,这么多热心人。- -!