英语词组造句!1.seem like a dream 看起来是理想的职业 2.make a living 谋生 3.a great chance 一次好机会 4.all the time 一直 5.for a living 以...为生 6.get injured 受伤 7.in fact 事实上!


1.seem like a dream 看起来是理想的职业 2.make a living 谋生 3.a great chance 一次好机会 4.all the time 一直 5.for a living 以...为生 6.get injured 受伤 7.in fact 事实上!

1.Being a singer seems like a dream job.
2.The poor boy makes a living by selling newspapers.
3.She got a great chance to study in a foreign country.
4.The man talks a lot all the time.
4.We can't play games for a living.
6.Be careful, or you will get injured.
7.In fact, nothing is impossible in the world.

Becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job.变成一名职业运动员看起来是个理想的职业.She works as a doctor to make a living.她以当医生谋生.This is a great chance that many people do not ...