把句子改为被动语态 急、、、1.Some people object if others make them work hard.2.People are spending far more money on food now than they spent ten years ago.3.We can't exchange articles which customers have bought during the sale.4.I hate it when people make fun of me ,though I don't mind it if they tease me.5.We are paying close attention to present movements in international money market .随便一句都可以。


把句子改为被动语态 急、、、
1.Some people object if others make them work hard.
2.People are spending far more money on food now than they spent ten years ago.
3.We can't exchange articles which customers have bought during the sale.
4.I hate it when people make fun of me ,though I don't mind it if they tease me.
5.We are paying close attention to present movements in international money market .

5. Presenting movements in international money market are being paid close attention to by us.

1.1.Some people object to being made to work hard. 注意object to doing的用法,make 便否定后要加上to.
2.Far more money is being spent on food now than was spent ten years ago.
3.Articles bought during the sale cannot be exchanged.
4.I hate being made fun of ,though I don't mind being teased.
5.Close attention is being paid to present movements in the international money market.

Someone will be bojected if he made others work hard

Far more money is be spending on food now than they spent ten years ago

1.Some people object if they are made work hard 2.Far more money are spent on food now than spent ten years ago.3.Articles which customers have bought during the sale can't be changed.4.I hate it when...

far more money are being spent on food now than ten years ago.