每句都改成否定句、一般疑问句、肯定回答、否定会答、对括号的词提问lingling bought some cups.(some cups)The teacher drew letter in Helen's hand【要保证能对得比较多的、最好不要能有错的】The teacher drew letter in Helen's hand【in helen's hand】


lingling bought some cups.(some cups)
The teacher drew letter in Helen's hand
The teacher drew letter in Helen's hand【in helen's hand】

第一句:一般疑问句:Did Lingling buy any cups? 肯定回答:Yes, she/he did. /否定回答:No, she/he didn't.对括号的词提问:What did Lingling buy?否定句:Lingling didn't buy some cup.
第二句:一般疑问句:Did the teacher draw letter in Helen's hand?肯定回答:Yes,she/he did.否定回答:No,she/he didn't.否定句:The teacher didn't draw letter in Helen's hand.

1.Lingling didn't buy any cups.
Did Lingling buy any cups?Yes,she did.No,she,didn't
What did Lingling buy?
2.The teacher didn't draw letter in Helen's hand.
Did the teacher draw letter in Helenn's hand?Yes,she did./ No,she didn't.