请你根据下面的提示,用英语介绍一下中国.要求:语法正确,意思连贯,40词左右.(我要的是初一的作文)要点提示:1.中国位于美国的西面,是一个古老的国家.2.首都是北京,国旗是红色的,有五颗黄色的五角星.3.中国有许多名胜(places of interest).4.欢迎来中国.


3.中国有许多名胜(places of interest).

China is an old country, located in west of America. its capital is Beijing, the flag is red and has 5 five-pointed stars on it. You can visit plenty of places of interest in China, welcome to China someday

China is a long history country.And it is to the west of America. It is an ancient country. Beijing is the capital of China and the national flag is red. There are five yellow stars in the flag. China is a country which has a lot of places of interest. You are welcome to China.We are sincerely welcome the friends to visit us from all around the world.

China is located to the west of the United States. Between them is the Pacific Ocean. And the time zone is opposite in both countries. China boasts a long history. The capital of China is Beijing. And the biggest city in China is Shanghai. The national flag of China is red with five five-pointed golden stars. The color stands for revolution, while the fives golden starts symbolize the union of the Chinese * Party and people. There are many places of interest in China, such as Moutain Tai, Mountain Yellow, the Summar Palace, the Great wall, the West Lake and so on. It is hard to summarize China in a few words. If you are interested in our great country, why not pay a visit to us. Welcome to China!


China is a long history country. And it is located in the west of America. The capital is Beijing, and there are five yellow star on the red national flag. China is a country which has a lot of places of interest. We are sincerely welcome the friends to visit us from all around the world.


China is to the west of America.It is an ancient country.Beijing is the capital of China and the national flag is red.There are five yellow stars in the flag.China has many places of interest.You are ...