几道英语翻译题,高手帮个忙1、The living room is (不够舒服)2、The bank is (在超市对面)3、你要留言吗?


1、The living room is (不够舒服)
2、The bank is (在超市对面)

The living room is not comfortable enough .
The bank is on the opposite of the supermarket .
Do you want to leave a message?

1 The living room is not suitbale for resting.
2 The bank is on the opposite of the suppermarket.
3 Do you leave a message?

(不够舒服):Comfortable enough
(在超市对面):In the supermarket opposite
你要留言吗?:You have to voice mail?


not comfortable enough
on the opposite of the supermarket
Do you want to leave a message?