新概念英语青少版2b练习册答案,选词填空,完成对话,其中三个词要用两次style jacket buy√ prefer money size quality sameken wants to (buy) a new ( ),so i am looking for one for him do you like this one,karen?i like the (   ).it  is  very  smart!  but  it  is  not  vert  good(  )no. and it is quiet  expensive.he does not  want  to  spend  too  much( ).he does not wear  a (  )very often.well  do you like  this one  ? it is the( )price but  it  is very  good ( )i am  not  sure  oh  look  he


style jacket buy√ prefer money size quality same
ken wants to (buy) a new ( ),so i am looking for one for him do you like this one,karen?
i like the (   ).it  is  very  smart!  but  it  is  not  vert  good(  )
no. and it is quiet  expensive.he does not  want  to  spend  too  much( ).he does not wear  a (  )very often.
well  do you like  this one  ? it is the( )price but  it  is very  good ( )
i am  not  sure  oh  look  here  is  another  one  i  think  i (  ) it 
yes  it  is  very  nice  have  they  they  got  it  in  the  right(  )?
yes  they have   he will like  this  (  )  i  an  sure  i  will  tell  him  baout  it.

style\x09√ × 2jacket\x09√ × 2buy\x09√ prefer \x09√money\x09√size \x09√quality \x09√ × 2same\x09√——Ken wants to (buy) a new (jacket),so I am looking for one for him.—— Do you like this o...