请英文好的朋友帮助修改一下英语短文,中文只是参考,不必完全一样.在圣经学习班上,我还被问道一个问题:“如果天使降临,能告诉你一个预言,你会选择知道什么.”我会想要知道除我父母与亲戚之外,谁是那个最能够关心我的人.因为一旦一个真正有预言能力的人能告诉我这个答案,我便能够知道谁将是那个我完全可以信任的人.When in the bible study,I had been asked a question."If an angle come to your face and she could tell you one thing about your future,what will you ask?"I think I will ask she expect my parents and my relations,who will be the best guy take care about me.' Because I will know the guy who I can trust in


When in the bible study,I had been asked a question."If an angle come to your face and she could tell you one thing about your future,what will you ask?"
I think I will ask she expect my parents and my relations,who will be the best guy take care about me.' Because I will know the guy who I can trust in my whole life when the guy who truly have foretell ability tell me the truth.

In bible study class, i had been asked of a question, 'If an angle come down and she could give you a prediction of your future. What will you choose to ask?' I think I will ask her, except my parents and relatives, who is the person that care for me the most? Because once i know the answer to this, i can find out the person who i can trust completely.
希望可以帮到你!~ 哈哈我也很想知道这个预言呢~