补全对话 Look ,Lucy There will () a fashion show tomorrow .Would you ()补全对话A.Look ,Lucy There will () a fashion show tomorrow .Would you () to come with me B.Yes.I’d love().Look how beautiful the clothes()!A.I agree () you .Look at this () of jeans .They’re the most () clothing all over the worldB.Yes.I like jeans very much ,too .Look ,a man is () a skirt .A.That is not a skirt .It’s a kilt (苏格兰式短裙).It’s the Scottish ( ) clothing .It’s only for malesB.Tha


补全对话 Look ,Lucy There will () a fashion show tomorrow .Would you ()
A.Look ,Lucy There will () a fashion show tomorrow .Would you () to come with me
B.Yes.I’d love().Look how beautiful the clothes()!
A.I agree () you .Look at this () of jeans .They’re the most () clothing all over the world
B.Yes.I like jeans very much ,too .Look ,a man is () a skirt .
A.That is not a skirt .It’s a kilt (苏格兰式短裙).It’s the Scottish ( ) clothing .It’s only for males
B.That () interesting .Hope tomorrow comes soon
1.这种款式的衣服已经过时了(style ,out of fashion)
2.曾经,日本人在非正式和正式场合都穿和服.(wear ,casual ,formal)
3.日本的和服是由丝绸做成的.(kimono ,make ,silk)


同学,很高兴回答你的问题正确答案如下;补全对话A.Look ,Lucy !There will ( be ) a fashion show tomorrow .Would you ( like ) to come with me B.Yes.I’d love( to ).Look how beautiful the clothes( are )...