英语翻译My summer holidayI think summer holiday is the best time of the year.I had a good summer holiday this year.With my summer holiday coming,we became very happy.At the beginning of the holiday,I just stayed home.Because I had to do my homework.这个是开头,已经写好了,顺便帮忙查一下有没有语法错误~然后的内容是:然后我看了一些书和有趣的电影,像是《潘神的迷宫》、《新月》.我还帮助妈妈做家务,这让妈妈很高兴.当然我也去了海边,和我的朋友们一起,我们游泳,还玩了沙滩排球,最后我们都累了,躺在沙滩上.这个暑假我很开心,但是现在已经开学了,我决定要认真学习.差不多就是这个意思,最好在其中加一些心里的想法,只要主要内容对了就可以,最好字数再多一些,千万不要用电脑翻译,


My summer holiday
I think summer holiday is the best time of the year.
I had a good summer holiday this year.With my summer holiday coming,we became very happy.At the beginning of the holiday,I just stayed home.Because I had to do my homework.这个是开头,已经写好了,顺便帮忙查一下有没有语法错误~

Then I had seen some books and movies(“the puzzles of pan”,“the twilight”),it's so interesting.Besides,I often helped my mother do housework,which made her really satisfied.What'more ,I went to be...