My sister bought this pair last month.Did she buy them here?My sister bought this pair last month.Did she buy them here?中的人称代词为什么用复数形式的them?a pair of shoes a pair of + 名词 都是复数的形式吗?


My sister bought this pair last month.Did she buy them here?
My sister bought this pair last month.Did she buy them here?中的人称代词为什么用复数形式的them?a pair of shoes a pair of + 名词 都是复数的形式吗?

them是指代前面所说的this pair ,a pair of shoes ,shoes是复数,pair是单数,a pair of 一般是加复数的


My sister bought this pair last month.Did she buy them here?估计是一条裤子类似:pants什么的.a pair of shoes 是单数 a pair of + 名词 是单数形式,如果是 two pairs.或者three /four .pairs + 名词 就是复数的...

But my sister bought this pair last month. SHOP ASSISTANT: Did she buy them here? LADY: No, she bought them in the U.S. SHOP ASSISTANT: