Do you have any evidence to support that you will only study in the States rather than work?如果我在签证时遇到这个问题怎么回答呢


Do you have any evidence to support that you will only study in the States rather than work?如果我在签证时遇到这个问题怎么回答呢

Work? Are you kidding?

My family provides me with a lot of money that can easily afford for mu tuition and living costs in the States.

I don't konw


说你非常有钱,完全能够支付所有学费和生活费,如果你在国内有一份工作,收入不薄,就告诉他你的国内收入,打消他的顾虑.要知道,不管是美国还是其他国家,都是非常欢迎有钱人的.My family is very rich,can offer all my t...