


How to Make a Good Impression During Job Interviews (by WorkBloom)
When going to an interview, it is important to have the right state of mind and to focus on what is important. The thing that is the most important when attending an interview is not how you answer questions. It is the impression that you leave behind. That being said, answering questions "correctly" will of course impact on that impression. The word "correctly" was put in quotes because there are no perfect answers to questions, although there are wrong answers.

Put things in perspective. By the time you are called for an interview, the employer will already have gone through your resume and cover letter. He or she knows the basics about you: your background, your work experience, your general interests, why you want to join the organization, etc. Whatever the employer knows up to that point, however, is only one-sided. The employer only knows what you have decided to reveal. Based on the information that you have provided, however, he or she decided that you were "worthy" of a meeting. This is the employer's way to show an open mind. "Here's your chance" he or she is saying. "Show me what you've got" or "prove to me that you are as good as you pretend to be."

This is partly how the stress builds up. You are starting to feel the pressure to "impress." Knowing that other candidates have also been called for an interview, you feel even more pressure. This is where you realize that the application process in an ensemble. Everything has to fit together. Your resume and your cover letter have to impress, yet truly reflect who you are so that when you show up on Interview Day, you can be yourself. (Tips on how to handle stress during job interviews can be found in another article on WorkBloom.)


Hey everybody,
Mary turns 16 this Sunday. That is 10/10/10! What a great date, don't you think? I've planned her a surprise party and I'd like all of her friends to be there for her on her special day.
So, I'd like you all to reach The Grill Place at 6:00 pm sharp. She'll reach there looking for just me and you'll all be there!
Hope to see you. You can contact me on my number, which is mentioned below, to let me know if you'll be coming.
See you there,
Text or call me at: 1234567890.